Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Evil I Speak Out Against

This was shared by a Christian Clergy Women that I think is a confused about the nature of the evil we are facing at this present time. Very real enemy's exist to Liberal Western Civilization that IS NOT us. Enemies that are every bit as totalitarian, brutal and evil as the Nazi's, Communists, and Imperial Japanese at their worst. Enemies that are driven by a confidence in the righteousness and inevitability of their dreams of worldwide domination. Extremists of such a sort should never be underestimated especially when they readily announce their intentions to bring destruction to our way of life.

Not that our way of life is perfect, it most certainly is not.  We are human's.  We are flawed.  We make mistakes.  We sin against heaven.  We sin against our fellow man.  But for all of our faults at least we are not totalitarians. God help us all if these enemies of which I speak do prevail.  Not that I think they will.  But right now they have far to much oxygen to breathe.  They will use this oxygen to make the world a more messed up place.  They will continue to have it as long as Obama is in office and his leading from behind policies are in place.

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